8\conclusion |
The analogy between the “holonic organization” and the “human brain” highlights the organization principles of structure and of the process network which, in front of environmental stimulus, create in a system the capability of the storage/transfer of knowledge, flexibility and response quickness.
This capability of the human brain are desirable even in the form of virtual company, to the aim of responding adequately to the complexity of the environment in which it operates.
Once clarified nature’s analogy with the general functioning of an Holonic system it’s possible for us to determine its basic characteristics:
The system of shared heritage has the function of making possible the interaction, continuous and spontaneous, between groups of people far from each other and not connected from strict law bonds, to the aim of allowing the usage of the advantages of cooperation which promote the balance of the System.
The shared heritage are outlined from the union of interests of the organization, as example there are some elements of the “lean” production as the continuous (Kaizen) improvement and the working orientation in the team which are often expressed explicitly in the vision of the company’s mission.
The distributed network of the information system is the sub-system which supports the operative units in the real time distribution of useful info for obtaining the maximum income from business opportunities that come facing.
It can operate due to the “ad hoc” created infrastructures to grant the fast connection between its parts. To grant this speed, the structure has to be compatible with the system interface of the network system, so to allow communication due to “ad hoc” created software to promote the destruction of information transmission/reception boundaries.
The autonomous distributed hierarchy consists in the capability, of each decisional centers, to take the head of the group in every moment, depending on the different strains which cause the disturbance in the referring environment.
Each activity is capable of interacting with each other part straightly and in a non-mediate way. In an Holonic system all of the Holons have the same importance and the same responsibilities; the involving of an Holon as an operative unit is indicated from its knowledge and skills, NOT from a origin-determined leadership role.
So, what distinguishes the holonic approach to which Rebel Alliance is inspired, is a marked focus on the learning capacity of the single and so on the possibility of getting forward competitively on the market accumulating an “Aggregation of Knowledge” over its whole system, which total results is much more than the simple sum of the knowledge which characterize the single holons that build up the System.
This “Aggregation of Knowledge” is managed by the System as form of a “Collective Intelligence” [1], allowing the System to evolve to answer not only reactively, but even pro-actively to the continuous strains of the market in a coherent way with the constant technologic Innovation.
This capability of the human brain are desirable even in the form of virtual company, to the aim of responding adequately to the complexity of the environment in which it operates.
Once clarified nature’s analogy with the general functioning of an Holonic system it’s possible for us to determine its basic characteristics:
- the system of shared heritage
- the distributed network of information system
- the distributed autonomic hierarchy
The system of shared heritage has the function of making possible the interaction, continuous and spontaneous, between groups of people far from each other and not connected from strict law bonds, to the aim of allowing the usage of the advantages of cooperation which promote the balance of the System.
The shared heritage are outlined from the union of interests of the organization, as example there are some elements of the “lean” production as the continuous (Kaizen) improvement and the working orientation in the team which are often expressed explicitly in the vision of the company’s mission.
The distributed network of the information system is the sub-system which supports the operative units in the real time distribution of useful info for obtaining the maximum income from business opportunities that come facing.
It can operate due to the “ad hoc” created infrastructures to grant the fast connection between its parts. To grant this speed, the structure has to be compatible with the system interface of the network system, so to allow communication due to “ad hoc” created software to promote the destruction of information transmission/reception boundaries.
The autonomous distributed hierarchy consists in the capability, of each decisional centers, to take the head of the group in every moment, depending on the different strains which cause the disturbance in the referring environment.
Each activity is capable of interacting with each other part straightly and in a non-mediate way. In an Holonic system all of the Holons have the same importance and the same responsibilities; the involving of an Holon as an operative unit is indicated from its knowledge and skills, NOT from a origin-determined leadership role.
So, what distinguishes the holonic approach to which Rebel Alliance is inspired, is a marked focus on the learning capacity of the single and so on the possibility of getting forward competitively on the market accumulating an “Aggregation of Knowledge” over its whole system, which total results is much more than the simple sum of the knowledge which characterize the single holons that build up the System.
This “Aggregation of Knowledge” is managed by the System as form of a “Collective Intelligence” [1], allowing the System to evolve to answer not only reactively, but even pro-actively to the continuous strains of the market in a coherent way with the constant technologic Innovation.
[1] This concept which describes a sort of associative life of men starts to emerge also in other fields, other than the ones commonly recognized as the one which is own of the Scientific Community.
These new communities are capable of developing the forms of Shared Intelligence (which we might associate by analogy, as studied in ethology, to some animal’s collective behaviors, such as the ones of ants and bees) capable of solving problems which the single individual, alone, would not be able to solve as with the same efficiency. Starting from the studies of W. Wheeler and E. Durkeim (beginning of the last century), which were reviewed by Douglas Hofstadter whom elaborated some thesis about shared creativity, and this concept started to gain weight in the scientific community as a study topic in many disciplines such as: sociology, economy, communication and telematics. Some of the scientists which majorly have been acknowledged for treating this topic are: P. Russel, D. Engelbart, T. Szuba, H. Jenkins, T. Berners-Lee, V. Turchin, D. De Kerckhove, Levi and many more in the academic fields in which they belong.